Richard Poole Marilyn Crispell Gary Peacock
In Motion (2016)
"Drummer Richard Poole deserved immediate approbrobation for the extememtly fast company kept on In Motion. Crispell and Peacock aren't just known commodities in improvised music; they are each on the level of living legends."
Read Full Review
Terrain (2003)
“Drummer Richard Poole is not just a drummer, but he is a pianist in his own right. A few years after the Opposite Voyage sessions were recorded, he went into the same studio to record a 21-song album with nothing but solo piano. Terrain is exactly that, a musician carving out a place for himself and making a statement by saying ‘this is my place, this is what I'm about’...Here, he is in full control of his music, without having to worry about the structure of the song. Poole is creating his own structure and boundaries, like some of the jazz piano greats.”
-John Book, Music for America
Available at iTunes Richard Poole-Terrain
Terrain on iTunes
Opposite Voltage (2006)
“Opposite Voltage is by jazz trio consisting of Jeff Palmer (Hammond B-3, bass pedals), George Garzone (tenor and soprano sax), and Richard Poole (drums). Together they play against the free side of jazz that takes them to directions none of them expected. Each of these musicians are capable of showing their years of experience through these songs, although ‘songs’ is putting it mildly, they are audio workouts that will leave you sweating and begging for more.”
-John Book, Music for America
Available at iTunes Richard Poole-Opposite Voltage
xLowell Davidson and Richard Poole:
Rediscovered Session of 1988 (2013)
Lowell Davidson (1941-1990) has long been a music legend, whose recordings with drummer Milford Graves and bassist Gary Peacock are regarded as a brilliant one-off effort. Now, nearly a quarter century after his death, another example of his piano playing, plus other musical talents, is finally available. Its appearance is the culmination of a series of events which initially led vibraphonist/pianist/drummer Richard Poole, the session’s other featured performer, to record with Davidson in 1988. A Review by Ken Waxman, Toronto.
Mystic Nights (2011)
“Mystic Nights is Chamber Jazz; an intimate conversation of improvisational music between two veteran musicians on vibes and piano. This conversation will draw the listener into a realm of surreal sounds and images that they have never experienced before.” Featuring Patrick Battstone on Piano and Richard Poole on Vibraphone.
Available at iTunes Richard Poole-Mystic Nights